The rugged central mountainous terrain of Taiwan Island has restrained its population and socio-economical growth that make the economic activities developed mostly along the plains of the West Coast areas. For years, the increasing demands for North-South intercity transportation had attracted much attention from the Government to work out the best solution. An efficient high speed and mass transportation system is therefore greatly needed to meet the anticipated demand in the intercity and regional daily commuting and business trips.
It's my first date with my boyfriend and now my husband,I'd remember we was looking for the Ài Hé means love river. Love River is the spine of Kaohsiung, playing a similar role to the River Thames of London. It is of great cultural significance to the people of Kaohsiung as they've said.I asked people where and they just said "walk three minutes to the right", we did but nowhere to be found. And we asked another guy he said "walk 5 minutes to the left" still the same.My husband that time really wanted to know if the river really exist.Too bad we never did reach and we run out of time i need to go home because i lived in a dormitory while i was still working there.
It is without saying that the benefits brought by the Taiwan High Speed Rail are a fast and convenient way of the trans-island travel linking north to south of Taiwan, and it also brings people together leading to an prosperous and fulfilled life.
We still wanted to go back there anytime soon while we will go visit my home sweet home in the Philippines, Until i'll find that love river.
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